Daytime Tail Lights; A Good Idea Or Overkill?

OK, so we all know a bright tail light is essential for cyclists who ride between dusk and dawn, right? In fact, it’s typically required by law in most states. However, have you considered if running a tail light during daylight hours may also be prudent? We have and now we do. Yes, it scores fairly high up on the Fred Curve, but given we’re riding a tandem, are middle-aged, non-competitive cyclists who wear mirrors attached to our helmets… we’re fairly-well stuck in the middle of the Fred-Curve anyway.

But, seriously, given the recent rise in collisions where motorists have rear-ended cyclists in which all indications point to a distracted motorist (see above for an example), we have finally come to the realization we need to do what we can to remove the “I didn’t see you” defense from motorists.

To that end, we were introduced to the DiNotte line of lighting products in a very dramatic way at a tandem rally when we found ourselves about a 1/2 mile back from good friends Bob & Jan Thompson. There was no way we could not see them up ahead even on a dead flat road in full daylight. I was impressed, but not yet moved to act UNTIL this past fall.

I should note, in addition to the rear-end collision that took the Bruehlers’ lives, a friend and company executive was also killed while riding his bicycle on the shoulder of a road. Once again, for unexplained reasons, a motorist drifted out of the lane and struck him from behind. To the best of my knowledge, neither of these investigations have been closed nor have charges been filed.

Regardless, look for us on the road… Please!! Hopefully our bright red DiNotte tail lights will make that a bit easier for all concerned.

About TG

I've been around a bit and done a few things, have a couple kids and a few grandkids. I tend to be curmudgeonly, not predisposed to chit-chat but love a good back-and-forth on history, aviation, cycling, and a few other topics.
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1 Response to Daytime Tail Lights; A Good Idea Or Overkill?

  1. Pingback: Epilogue: Aging, Electric Assist, Being Seen, Sharing the Road & Hoteling after the Pause | The TandemGeek's Blog

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