2010 Florida Tandem Rally & PANTHERS Tandem Club Updates

In and amongst the Emails that Bob Thompson and I have been sharing on the belt project, he also passed along a couple of updates regarding the central Florida-based PANTHERS tandem club’s event calendar.

First and foremost, the inaugural fall 2010 Florida Tandem Rally is right around the corner the weekend of Nov. 5-7 in “Florida’s Friendliest Home Town,” The Villages, Florida.  For those who attended last year’s Southern Tandem Rally, this is essentially a return to the same venue for this year’s FTR.  Again, information and downloadable registration information can be found on-line at the PANTHERS website.

For those who live near enough to participate, Bob also mentioned that the balance of their 2010 PANTHERS ride calendar has been filled-out with two more overnight events:

About TG

I've been around a bit and done a few things, have a couple kids and a few grandkids. I tend to be curmudgeonly, not predisposed to chit-chat but love a good back-and-forth on history, aviation, cycling, and a few other topics.
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2 Responses to 2010 Florida Tandem Rally & PANTHERS Tandem Club Updates

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